domingo, 28 de octubre de 2012

Beauty and the Beast

Once there was a rich man who had a lot of ships. He lived in a big house; he had three daughters and three sons. His daughters were all beautiful. But the most beautiful was Beauty. She loved reading. But her older sisters only liked fine clothes and parties. Her two sisters stayed in bed late every day. They did nothing to help. They laughed at Beauty.
One day there was terrible storm and all the man’s ships were lost at sea. Suddenly he had no money. He had to sell his big house and the family moved to a little house in the country.
Beauty worked hard for her father and brothers. Every day she got up early. She did all the work in the house. Her sister did nothing.
One day a letter came for their father. He told his children “I have to go away on business. One of my ships has come back from the East and we are rich again.” The two older daughters asked their father to buy them new dresses. But beauty only wanted a rose.
The man got on his horseman rode to the sea. But when he arrives he heard bad news.  “Your gold and silver has gone” said his friend “and your ship has hole in it”.
Then he remembers his daughters. He couldn’t buy fine dresses, but he bought two cheap littler bags for then. He wanted to buy a rose for Beauty the flower girl didn’t have any.
One the way home, the man lost his way in a forest. A strange wind blew and it began to snow. He saw a light through the trees and went into a strange palace. There he found dinner, a bed, fine clothes, and a good breakfast. But he saw nobody.
He picked a rose from the garden for beauty.  When he picked the rouse, he heard a terrible noise. And he saw a terrible, angry beast. “I gave you dinner last night. I gave you fine clothes and a good breakfast. Now you come into my secret garden and try to steal my roses. You must die for this” said the beast. The man said that he only wanted a rose for his daughter.
The beast looked at him angrily. Then he said, “all right. Go home to your daughters. But tell them this: I want one of them to come and live here with me. If not, you must return and die. There’s a box of gold coins in the bedroom. Take it.”
So the man went home and told his family the terrible news. Beauty said that her father would not die.
 She would go and live with the beast. So she went to the palace with her father. That night she had a dream. A fairy told her that something good would happen to her.
Beauty lived with the beast and he was kind to her. He gave her presents of books and fine dresses. Then one day beauty looked in a magic mirror and saw that her father was ill and all alone. She wanted to visit her father and asked the beast if she could go back to him for just one week. The beast gave beauty a magic ring and in the morning she woke up in her father’s house. Her father was much better. Her sister came and asked her to stay a little bit longer.
After ten days, Beauty had a dream that the beast was dying because he couldn’t live without her. So beauty put her ring by her bed and in the morning she was back at the palace. When she found the beast, she told him that she loved him and she would marry him.  Then the fairy came back and something magic happened. The beast was a handsome prince. The fairy said that beauty understood that kindness was more important than beauty. Beauty and the prince were married and lived happily ever after.                 

My family tree

Gudelia is Marcela's grandmother's name.

Libardo is Gudiela's  husband.

Juan is Marcela's uncle. he live in Rionegro

Yeison is juan´s son and he is marcela´s cousin.

Rosalba is Gudiela's  daughter-in-law.

Jose is Libardo's son-in-law.

Alba is marcela's aunt. She is housewife

Estefania and Sebastian are Marcela's cousins.

Gladys is Marcela's  mother and Mariano is her father

luis is Marcela's brother, he is eleven year old

Magdalena is Gudiela's daughter, she is a nurse

Diego is Elizabeth's father, he is twenty nine years old

Yolanda  is Diego's wife, she is a seller.

My presentation

My name is Marcela Soto, i'm twenty years old.

In the university i am studying accounting, i am in sixth semester.

I live in the medellin city.

I'm single, i have a boyfriend,he is twenty-four years old,  my boyfriend's name is Andres he is an engeneer.

In my house there are three people my mother, my brother and me.
my mother's name is Gladys, she is forty-two years old, my brother's name is Luis he is a student, he is eleven years old.

My favorite sport to play is tenis.I like listening to music and go to the cinema .My best friend is Karen.
My favorite singer is aerosmith, my favorite song is dream on.
My favorite color is blue.
I don't have a pet.